NEWS – 11 Tips for the Exam Season

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Dr. Hana Adams
Jennifer März

Stress is not necessarily a negative aspect of life. Stress enables us to push our boundaries and accomplish more at times but at other times, it can also be overwhelming. Finding ways to manage stress can assist us to feel less overwhelmed and to find a sense of strength when we face challenges.

Exam season is stressful for everyone: teachers, parents and especially our high school students. It’s important to recognize that stress is manageable; you just need some strategies in your toolbox!

Try any of the following techniques:  

  1. Set a routine – humans are creatures of habit so set a schedule for yourself with set times for you to study, eat, socialise, and most importantly sleep! Make the routine flexible enough so there is room for adjustment. Having a routine helps you to feel a sense of control and allocate a specific amount of time for each task you set for yourself.
  2. Avoid excess caffeine intake – yes going for the bubble tea and having a coffee run feels like you are helping yourself be awake, but caffeine can also increase feelings of anxiety and agitation. This doesn’t mean you have to give up all your caffeine but have it in moderation.
  3. Relaxation exercises – implement strategies that help you re-focus your energy and bring a sense of calm. Try abdominal breathing and mindfulness activities such as muscle relaxation techniques or guided imagery.  
  4. Develop assertiveness skills – state feelings and thoughts in a polite and firm manner. The more you can speak up about your needs and wants, the easier it will be to find solutions.
  5. Rehearse and practice situations which cause stress – if you have a particular difficulty in a subject, set time aside to prepare for that specific subject. Make the environment at home the same as school and visualize how you would get through the exam session.
  6. Use time effectively – break a task into more attainable steps and come up with a homework/study calendar including breaks. Our brains do need downtime but make sure to set those times specifically so that you don’t get lost in a sea of Netflix!
  7. Take advantage of your peak energy levels – Pick the time of the day when you tend to have the most energy and try to schedule your study sessions at this time.
  8. Study your most difficult or challenging material first, while you are still fresh.
  9. Decrease negative self talk – challenge negative thoughts with alternative neutral or positive thoughts and always, always remember your successes.    
  10. Learn to feel good about a “good enough” job rather than perfection. 
  11. Build a network of friends who help in a positive way.

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