STUDENT SPOTLIGHT – Fresh Graduate Kausar Hassan

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This has been my fifth and final year at GESS and the realisation that my time has come to an end has led me to reminisce on and recollect my experiences here at the school. From work experience at the Singapore Committee for UN Women, to community service in Cambodia and India, there has never been a dull moment. Every year brought new excitements: discovering new subjects, reviewing past lessons, even the simple act of bonding with my peers and teachers. I know I will look back at my years of schooling with fondness and appreciation for all the knowledge I have gained and relationships I formed while studying at GESS. For me, there is no doubt that GESS has made me the person I am today.

Kausar Hassan (pictured standing) at the CISS Model United Nations in Shanghai, China. Kausar was in the GESS Model United Nations team during her time at GESS and has proudly represented the school as a delegate at many different Model United Nations events.

As someone who wishes to pursue law, I feel that GESS has given me a big leg up for my future aspirations. I was given the opportunity to study subjects such as History and English at a level that pushed my intellectual capabilities and genuinely furthered my analytical and written skills. As someone who wishes to pursue law, I feel that GESS has given me a big leg up for my future aspirations.

As someone who wishes to pursue law, I feel that GESS has given me a big leg up for my future aspirations.

Kausar Hassan (right) as an Emcee at the Opening Ceremony of the European Union Film Festival 2019

One of the highlights was being able to co-host the European Union Film Festival 2019 at the National Gallery – an event sponsored by GESS. The wide outreach GESS has in Singapore, in terms of influence and reputation, allows us students to take advantage of so many opportunities and I hope they continue to do so when I am gone!

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